Saturday, December 28, 2013

Budget Accommodation at Poppies Lanes Bali

Kuta -  Bali offers many ranges of accommodations mostly in the budget and mid-range markets. Private villas and five stars hotels are few as Kuta just lacks the space for expansive properties. There are a lot of budget accommodations on Poppies lanes, you can often find nicer places on the small lanes between Poppies I and II too.

poppies cottage gate

Commonly, this accommodation offers facility of 2 beds, bathroom inside, standard fan or AC. Some hotels provide light breakfast in the morning. You can stay daily, weekly, or monthly. For weekly and monthly stay try asking the staff for a discount. Among budget travelers this place is like a haven, it has no international standard services among various small hotels at the area, but it offers the homy balinese atmosphere.

inside poppies cottages

These lanes are on excellent location in the heart of Kuta and within easy walking distance to may good restaurants, shops, car rental, travel agent, car/bike rental. It is only about 15 minutes from Ngurah Rai airport and Kuta beach can be enjoyed just by walking for a few minutes. Poppies Lanes are less fit for a family stay since a lot of parties and night clubs squirm at night life.

 narrow street at the inner part of Kuta area

Poppies Lanes are jammed with guesthouses and hotels, and most of them are simple places that can’t be booked online in advance. During most times you can check in with your luggage in hand and find a room that suits your budget. You may not get a room at the top place on your list, but you should be able to get a similar room for a similar price not far away.

 crowded of shops at poppies lane

However, it is worth booking your first night at one of the places in Kuta that does confirm reservations online during peak travel season and especially if you arrive late. If you like it there you can probably stay, but if you intend to find a cheaper and simpler place for the rest of your stay it gives you a big advantage. You can put your bags away in your room and then march up and down the streets until you find the place you like best for the rest of your stay.

51 cottages

These lanes are a narrow street at the inner part of Kuta area, both can be accessed either from Legian street or Jalan Pantai. These 2 roads connecting the inner part of Kuta area are a real narrow street which left and right sides are crowded of shops mostly garment products in the form of dresses, women attires, decorations and others. Restaurants can also be found along Poppies Lanes with cheap and rich tastes either national, mixed national and Chinese food, and seafood.

kori restaurant and bar at poppies lane 2

The tips given here applies more in Kuta than anywhere else in Bali. Take heed, have fun, but be sensible.
  • Prices are often negotiable especially outside of the peak seasons: July/August, Christmas season, New Year eve and other obvious holidays. During peak seasons, always book ahead. Budget accommodations may not take reservations, so trying to arrive around noon or 1pm as people check-out is a good strategy to try and find cheap one.
  • Visitors should be aware that a lot of the budget accommodation in Kuta is very tired. Always see the room first & haggle. It is becoming difficult to find budget accommodation if you arrive late in the day. 
  • Swimming safety is extremely important in Kuta. It is prohibited to swim near the special flags, which are placed where currents are especially strong. Always swim between the red and yellow flags, where the lifeguards have deemed it safest. Do not swim out too far as the waves and currents here are stronger than you might expect and change very rapidly. The sea water in Kuta can be filthy and you should be aware of this potential problem and try not to swim in the obviously polluted areas.
  • Watch your belongings at the beach, better yet do not bring your valuables to the beach if you intend to swim or surf.
  • Touts and scammers will constantly look for their chance. Be wary of deals. If its sounds too good to be true then it probably is. When walking alone (especially down Jl Pantai Kuta and Jl Legian) you will be hassled by touts offering transport on motorbikes. Generally this is harmless and can be used as a means of getting around, although the shear volume of touts offering transport can be an annoyance. Remember to stay calm and don't be pressured into buying anything you don't want.
  • Pickpockets have been known to be a problem outside bars, specifically on Jalan Legian (Sky Garden, et al). One common method used against drunk tourists leaving bars and clubs is for a large group of boys and teenagers to block the sidewalk. As the target attempts to squeeze through, the thieves attempt to reach into their pockets and/or bags and take whatever they can get. Be very aware of this.
poppies lane 1 

  • Foreign Currency Scams are fairly common, especially down the Poppy roads. Make sure you count out the rupiah yourself before you leave the shop (even if they count it out in front of you) and you also calculate how much you are owed yourself. Some of the shop owners will make you count out the rupiah, and then with a sleight of hand will remove one of the large piles of cash. Double check you have the right amount of money as you leave the shop.
  • Mobile recharge scam: recharge shops can ask for Rp 10.000 extra if the sim card was bought in the other city;
  • Legian and Seminyak are both within walking distance from Kuta. A car journey to the cultural heart of Bali in Ubud will take about 45 min.
  • The Gili Islands can be reached in two and a half hours. 1 hr by car then 1.5 hr by fast boat from Padang Bai.
  • Tanah Lot can be reached in 45 minutes by taxi and sometimes the taxi driver will negotiate a price with you, and if you're good at haggling you might get a good price but be mindful however, once at Tanah Lot there are few options of transportation to anywhere else. You may have to pay full price for a taxi or motorbike to your next destination.  So prepare well.


  1. I read your blog and I saw the beautiful photos of this group accommodation you shared here. I heard that this Kuta - Bali offers many ranges of accommodations mostly in the budget and mid-range markets. I think I will enjoy this place with my family and relatives, we also get relax in this place and get some fresh air. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  2. People who want the guesthouse accommodation need to book it well in advance as this is the cheap one when they want to stay for a longer period.
    Sky Jacuzzi
