Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Saung Angklung Udjo - A Traditional Bamboo Musical Instrument Performance

The Saung Angklung Udjo is a place where you can enjoy the performance of traditional bamboo musical instruments called Angklung that was played beautifully by the local musicians.  You will be amazed by the music arrangements and the performance by the local teenagers in the singing and dancing. The happiness on the faces of all the participants - some are very young indeed - was a joy to behold. The Saung Angklung Udjo makes traditional Instrument becomes an international taste on its hands.

The Angklung - Saung Udjo

For the non-speaking Bahasa visitors, the host also speaks in English however you can see the rundown and details on all about the performance in the leaflet that you’ll be given along with the unique entry ticket (a mini angklung necklace) or  you can also download the synopsis in the Saung  Udjo's website to get more information on the show.

Angklung Performance - Saung Udjo

The 1.30 hour performance is filled with very high energy and  enthusiastic performance.  It was a bit apprehensive at first, especially on the Wayang Golek -  puppet show which kicks off  the proceedings and was difficult to understand since it was played in Sundanese Bahasa.  But after that it was a sheer delight, as the first dancers came out to introduce you to the Tari Topeng dance, and then the main attraction, Angklung music.

Angklung Performance - Suang Udjo

At the last session of the performance, all the audience was given an angklung to play  - we had to see what number or pitch it was, and then the entire multi-national audience was directed by a teenager at the central of the stage on how to play it and to be part of a giant angklung orchestra in the performance of some songs.  It builds up beautifully and everyone gets pulled into the joyful atmosphere.  Anyone who likes music will love it but so will people of all ages who just like a good show.

 the joyful atmosphere - Saung Udjo

After that, we got to see the performance of angklung being played by the experts which was very wonderful.  You will be impressed with their rendition of the famous song  the Bohemian Rhapsody by  Queen and to Jazz lovers you will recognize  the Al Jarreau’s The Spain.   The performance ends with dancing involving the cast and as many audience members as they can get to go to the dance area

 angklung orchestra by audience - Suang Udjo


  • The location is a bit far from the city center with bad traffic, but its worth visiting and see how the actual Angklung is played. Fun for family and kids as they have children performance.
  • They have a daily show of Angklung performance at 15.30, but during weekends there will be several show. Entry ticket is IDR 70.000 for adult and IDR 50.0000 for children including drink or ice cream.

Address:   Jl. Padasuka No. 118, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40192, Indonesia
Phone:    +62 22 7271714


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